Sampada’s little fighter
Severe respiratory distress with multiple issues like apnea, sepsis, and no normal feeds was a stressful situation for the parents to see their baby boy in the NICU.
Mr. and Mrs. Agrawal are from East Nimar, formerly known as Khandwa, a district of the Madhya Pradesh state in central India. Sampada’s husband works as a sub-stockist and is the sole earning member of the family. He is earning a meager salary of Rs 30,000 per month and trying to manage a family of four members, including his parents.
Sampada had an emergency C-section delivery at Motherhood Hospital, Indore. The baby was born prematurely at 1.2 kg. The baby was experiencing severe respiratory distress, including apnea and sepsis, and wasn’t taking feeds properly. With repeated episodes of vomiting, the baby was put on tube feeds. The baby was also diagnosed with high hyperbilirubinemia (about 60% of full-term newborns and 80% of premature babies get jaundice). The most common symptom is the yellowing of your baby’s skin and the whites of their eyes. It was a stressful situation for the entire family and for the fighter as well. The family was also experiencing a lot of anxiety and distress about the treatment and the cost going up.
That’s when the team at Motherhood Hospitals referred the parents to the Neonates Foundation of India, and the organization lessened the trouble the parents were going through while arranging funds.
The baby is still in the NICU, recovering with constant monitoring. But the parents are utterly grateful to the organization, which was able to take the burden off their shoulders, and they are waiting for the day when they will take their baby home.
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