Poornima’s little bundle of joy (Baby Divya)
Born after 12 years of her parent’s marriage, this beautiful little girl was an answer to their prayers and fulfilled their long-term dream of having an offspring. While Baby Divya’s mother and father were rejoicing the arrival of their precious gift, they were distraught to know that her health condition was delicate. The baby was born preterm at 27 weeks, weighing only 950 grams.
Baby Divya needed extended treatment in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of Hospital for more than two months because of numerous complications often seen in premature babies. She had severe respiratory issues as her lungs were not fully developed. The baby needed ventilator support. She could not tolerate direct feeding and was given nutrients and medications intravenously. She developed jaundice and was also diagnosed with a problem in her heart that needed immediate treatment through medications. All this meant exorbitant hospital bills and deep emotional stress for the parents in dire straits.
They came from a humble background from the interiors of Maharashtra and were not able to bear the burden of their little one’s treatment and NICU admission costs. The hospital heavily subsidised the baby’s treatment and managed to get some private funding through old patients. The father also got a helping hand through his workplace and friends and cleared the bills. Finally, concerted efforts by the neonatology team at the hospital to save the baby’s life helped her recover from her ordeal.
This was typical a high-risk pregnancy as the mother had hypertension and the baby was brought into this world at 27 weeks of gestation. She was extremely small and needed constant monitoring in the NICU, as she was suffering from various prematurity-related complications.
After spending close to 4 months in the NICU, Baby Divya was discharged, gained an optimum weight, and now is enjoying her childhood like any other normal born baby.
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