Baby of Gowthami
A heart condition combined with a respiratory issue and sepsis was indeed a life-and-death situation for this little fighter.
Gowthami and Nagendra are from Anantpur, a small town in Andhra Pradesh. Gautami’s husband works as a laborer and is the sole breadwinner of the family. He was earning a meager Rs 9,000 per month and trying to manage a family of two members.
Gowthami had a normal vaginal delivery at a local hospital in Anantpur. The baby was born full term and had a birth weight of 2.97 kg. The baby was experiencing respiratory distress and grunting on day 4, and the local doctor referred the baby to the NICU unit of Motherhood Hospitals. The baby was transported through the NICU on wheels. The baby was diagnosed with obstructive supracardiac TAPVC, sepsis, and hypotension. TAPVC is a condition where severe obstruction of the pulmonary veins tends to make infants breathe harder. They slowly turn blue due to the lack of oxygen. If the condition is not treated on time, it may lead to the death of the newborn.
A heart condition combined with a respiratory issue and sepsis was indeed a life-and-death situation for this little fighter. Gowthami’s husband, being a laborer, was intimidated by the treatments that had to be offered to his newborn and was speaking to his relatives in his hometown to arrange for the expensive NICU treatment.
The doctors at Motherhood Hospitals treated the baby for sepsis with antibiotics and put her on a conventional mode of ventilation to treat the respiratory distress. The baby’s respiratory distress and sepsis were treated. However, her obstructive supracardiac TAPVC was treated to a large extent, but the little one had to be further referred to Manipal Hospitals for a cardiac ICU surgery.
The team at Motherhood Hospitals referred the parents to the Neonates Foundation of India, and the institution lifted a huge burden of the cost of the treatment from the newborns’ parents, who are ever grateful today to see their little one smiling and breathing like a normal baby.
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